Saturday, October 24, 2020

Hypnotized Mind V

You know when you try and try at something, and you think what you make is good, and then you see someone else's work and you realise you're actually shit?

Yeah, that feeling.

Check THIS out.

I've seen Mamman12's work before and it's good, but this latest one just blew my mind.

If you don't care for PMVs or you think they're a plagiaristic waste of good porn, then read something else now.

For a start, Mamman's latest opus has great music, attached to perfectly chosen clips, which is 90% of the the job. And though, this may seem like a technical tour de force, mamman12 isn't using that many techniques or effects, he's just using them really, really well, and sparingly.

Let's break it down. He's panning over images. He's rotating them a bit. He's speeding up and slowing down. He does his trademark glowing edge thing, and he highlights colours. That's it. Oh, and he adjusts the opacity over an image. You could do 90% of this in Premiere. I could do 90% of this, and if I had the patience, I could learn how to do his edge-highlight thing. But could I put it together like he has?
No. I could not. Or rather, I could now, I could copy it, but doing this so well, so orignally is what makes his PMVs great.

The playing-with-speed is the best feature of this. He has timed those speed ramps perfectly to emphasise a particular image or look. He then almost always hard cuts to black just to leave that perfectly lit image burned onto your retina and he times it to the bombastic track to leave it echoing in your brain. If you've never done this, it looks easy. Premiere or whatever editing software gives you tools to adjust speed and ramp it down or up, adjust the rate of change - all that, but timing it, and timing it to the music, isn't easy. Timing it right, to the music and having the image curl to a slow pause just at the right moment takes practice and patience and skill.

Having tantalised your brain with a startling, shocking image, he then takes a calm, leisurely stroll over some darkly lit shots until he does it again, and again, and just when you think he'll do it again he rips through a series of images in such rapid succession that you're left gasping 'what the fuck was that'?

When I saw this entry for the 2020 PMV games, I'd just finished doing a long PMV which I was pretty pleased with. But after I saw this, I felt like deleting it.

Choosing the clips for your PMV is 90% of the job The other 90% is timing. Mamman12's timing seems almost lazy. He'll let a clip play for a long time, lingering over it, and then hurl through a sequence so fast the viewer can barely register them. Some of those images have multiple effects to enhance them and probably took forever to put together but he has the confidence not to  give them time, but let them register almost subconsciously. So it seems lazy, but really it's genius. The viewer is left dazzled by the change in pace and wondering what they just saw. I dare anyone to watch this just once. When it reaches the end you want to play it again just to experience the dizzying drops and the dopamine-hit of the millisecond perfect timing.

Trying to explain this with gifs is impossible. You need the music for it to make sense. Plus, the video needs to be seen in whole for the context and the way it builds and collapses and builds and collapses. Short clips don't really get it across

BUT, there's no publicly available place where it's available that I can find. Her's a short clip with the sound which tries to do it justice.

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